This guide will show you how to change the look and feel of your invoices from our pre-set format choices.
1. Go to ‘Settings’ on the left hand navigation menu, then select ‘Company Settings’
2. Scroll down to the Invoice Settings blue bar, click on the arrow to expand on these options.
3. Click on the drop down menu for Invoice Format and select which format you prefer.
Please note: for a preview of these layouts check our guide on what the invoice formats look like
– Default: This the main template that you can use for sending out invoices by mail. Shading is on the template to make it look nicer.
– Print Letterhead Without Company: This leaves a space at the top of the invoice for a pre-printed letterhead. Has the customer settings next to the date/invoice number.
– Print On Letterhead With Company: As above, but also includes the company settings. Useful for when you letterhead doesn’t have your company details.
– Print Original: Uses the original template used in the first 12 months of Workshop Software. Very basic template.
– Print Labour Invoice: Bold Labour title within the invoice
3. After choose the format you want to use, click ‘Save’