Add images/description to a sale unit

1. Open the unit in the Unit List of the unit is already acquired, if not, create a new template of the unit to be acquired in the future.



If the Unit is already acquired

1. Open the unit you wish to add a description or image to from the Unit List

2. Under the heading Sale Description, add the description you would like to attach to the vehicle and press ‘Save’.



3. To add an image, scroll to the heading ‘Attachments’, press ‘Choose File’ t the image you wish to attach and press ‘Upload’.



If Creating a Template

1. Go to ‘Units’ and ‘Templates’ and add a new template by clicking the ‘+’ at the top right of the Templates Bar



2. Fill out the required information regarding the Units to be acquired, and add the sale description to the template in the ‘Sale Description’ box. Images will not be able to be added under the unit has been acquired and is listed in the Unit List.