Mobile App Invoice Functionality

Mobile App

Major update that takes managing jobs and invoices to a new level.
You now have the ability to create a new invoice by clicking the plus at the top of the job screen. Through this process, you can also create customers and vehicles inside the app.
 Added functionality to process invoices and collect payments via the app, giving you full functionality of managing jobs and invoices from creation to competition, payment and emailing the invoice to your customer.
 You can also view closed invoices via the dropdown on the search bar at the top of the job screen.
 Includes web side security to manage who has access to certain features.
 A major update that provides you with even greater power in the palm of your hand.


To enable new features,

  1. Navigate to Settings > User Setup/Maintenance > Mobile User.
  2. Open the desired Username.
  3. Ensure the following settings are adjusted:
    • Set Limited Customer Information to No.
    • Set Advanced User to Yes.
    • Set Show Pricing to Yes.
  4. Save your changes.

Starting an invoice

Once you have turned on these features, log in to the mobile app. You will notice a “+” icon at the top right-hand corner of the screen.

Press the “+” icon, which will take you to the customer’s screen where you can select the customer for whom you are creating a new invoice.

Once you have selected the customer, you will be taken to the customer’s vehicles. Select the vehicle you will be working on, then press Confirm.

After selecting the customer and vehicle, a Job Card will be created. You will then be taken to the Job Card overview tab, where you will be able to Start the job,  Post Date, update the Job Status, edit vehicle details, customer details, and start the job.

Press on the box next to Invoice Total to add more products or update the labor amount.

Please find the link to Adding Products, attachments and updating Labour time

Once you have finished the Job and confirmed that the Job Card is correct press on the tick bottom right hand corner

Press Process

Select whether to update the Post Date to today then press Process.

You will receive confirmation that the invoice has been processed.


Creating a Payment

After processing an invoice, you can apply a payment to the invoice

Press Create Payment

Select the payment method by pressing in the Payment Method box Process

Select the payment method and press Confirm.

If all information is correct Process the payment


Email the Invoice to the Customer

Once the invoice has been processed and paid, you can then email a copy of the paid invoice to your customer.

Press on the circle bottom right hand corner

Select Email

Confirm that the email address is correct. Press the magnifying glass if you would like to email the invoice to multiple recipients. Change the toggle to Yes to include the invoice. Press the box in the email content area if you want to change or add anything else to the email body, then press Send Email.

You will then receive a confirmation that the email was sent.


You can also create a new customer and a new vehicle directly in the mobile app.

Press the “+” icon in the Job Center

Press the “+” icon on the Search Customer page

Enter the following details:

  • Customer Type
  • First Name
  • Last Name
  • Email
  • Phone
  • Mobile
  • Account Type

Then press Create. Note that First Name and Last Name are compulsory fields required to create a new customer.


Create A New Vehicle 

After you have entered a new customer, you will be taken to the Vehicles section. To create a new vehicle, press the “+” icon in the Choose Vehicle window.

If the customer does not have a vehicle, press Skip.

Then enter the vehicle details:

  • Plate Number (compulsory field)
  • Make
  • Model
  • Body Type
  • State
  • Year
  • Colour
  • Odometer
  • Hours
  • VIN

Press Create once all necessary details are entered.


There is also a feature to view all open, processed, and closed invoices In the Mobile App 


To see all open, processed, and closed invoices in the mobile app, press the page icon next to the search bar.

Then select whether you would like to view open, processed, closed, or all invoices in the Job Centre.


You can also add a payment to a processed invoice directly from the Job Centre.

Select the processed invoice from the Job Centre to which you would like to apply a payment.

Press on the Balance Due Box


Press the “+” icon next to Payments.

Select the Payment Method and then press Confirm.


The payment will then be created. If the details are correct, press Process.

You will then see the payment listed in the Payments tab.

Press the arrow to return to the Job Centre.

Please note: This feature is available for Gold Subscription users.