Workshop Software allows you the ability to send an SMS to a customer directly out of the software. In order to send SMS’s you will need to purchase some first. Here is a guide on how to purchase SMS’s.
If you would like your customers to be able to reply to your SMSs, follow this guide.
1. Search for the customer by typing their name into the main search bar located at the top of the screen in Workshop Software. In the search results that come up, click on the orange SMS icon:
2. Enter the message you want to send the customer and then click on the green ‘Send’ button to send it. If you have entered a mobile number for the customer in their profile then it will automatically populate for you:
3. SMS’s can be sent from anywhere you see the orange SMS icon:
Via the Customer’s List
Via the Job Centre
You can send an individual SMS to a specific client from the job centre, by clicking on the job then click on orange SMS icon.
Alternatively if you need to send a bulk SMS to all the clients in your job centre (you may have had a loss of power in your area, so you need to contact all customers that have bookings with you).
To do this, here is a guide on how to send a bulk SMS to customers in the job centre:
Send bulk SMS’s to any or all of your clients via the Communication Centre (Gold Subscription level only)
Click on ‘Action’ located on the left hand navigation menu in Workshop Software, then click on ‘Communication Centre’
In the Communcation Type Field, select ‘Communication with Customers’
In the Contact Type, select ‘SMS All’ this will send the selected or all customer a SMS regardless of their preferred contact method.
Then click the blue ‘Search’ button to select which customers you want to send the SMS to. If you want to send it to all customer click on the blue ‘All’ button.
If you are only sending to select customers, click on the customer names that you want to send the SMS to. You can identify who you have chosen as these will be in a dar grey colour.
Finally, enter in your message into the message box, or if you have a SMS template already set up click on the green ‘Add Template’ button.
When you are ready to send the SMS, click on the green ‘Send’ button.