1.1 Activate Your Head Office With MYOB AccountRight
- Log into your Main Branch (Head Office)
- Click on ‘Integrations > Accounting Integrations > MYOB AccountRight‘
- Click ‘Authorise MYOB AccountRight‘
- Enter your my.MYOB username and password
- Select ‘Sign In‘
- Enter your Administrator Username and password for the company file, if required.
- Press ‘Login‘
- Select the company file you would like to use
You should now have a list of all the accounts from MYOB.
- Choose the corresponding account for every field on this screen. Please note all fields on this screen must be “mapped” to an account in MYOB.
- Click ‘Save’ to save these settings
1.2 Setting Up Shared Accounting For MYOB AccountRight
Log into your Main Branch (Head Office Company)
Click on ‘Integrations > Accounting Integrations > MYOB AccountRight‘
Click on the ‘Shares Account With Branch‘ toggle so that it shows ‘Yes‘
Click ‘Save‘ to save these settings
1.3 Setting Up Your Other Branches With MYOB AccountRight
For MYOB AccountRight, each branch uses the same setup process as the Head Office Activation.
- Log into the next branch
- Follow the steps in ‘Activate Your Head Office With MYOB AccountRight‘
- Repeat steps 1.1 and 1.2 for all your other branches until they are all authenticated
2. Link Contacts:
Once you have authenticated your accounting system, you will need to link your contacts. This is achieved by:
- Clicking on ‘Click Here‘ at the top of the screen. NOTE***This message only appears before you process your first sync***NOTE
- If the message above doesn’t exist, you can use the ‘Link Contacts‘ button
By pressing this button, Multi-Location will link all of your existing customers with each other across all of the branches.