How to run a vehicle listing report

You are able to generate a list of the vehicles in Workshop Software and can filter the list by customer name, vehicle make or vehicle rego.

The listing will show;

    • Vehicle rego
    • Vehicle make/model
    • Customer name
    • Customer phone
    • Customer mobile
    • Vehicle cylinders
    • Vehicle litres
    • Vehicle build date

1. To run the report, click on ‘Reports’ from the menu options on the left hand side and then click on ‘Business Reports’;

2. Click on the down arrow icon to the far right of the blue 2. Click on the down arrow icon to the far right of the blue Workshop Reports menu to expand the menu; menu to expand the menu;

Filter by Customer Name

Will generate in alphabetical order by customer name


Filter by Vehicle Make

Will generate in alphabetical/numerical order by Vehicle Make/Model

Filter by Rego

Will generate in alphabetical/numerical order by Vehicle Rego