How much time do you spend entering in vehicles in your Workshop?
How often do you misspell somehting?
Or you enter it different each time? VW, V.W. Volkswagen, Vee Dub, vw, Vw etc. (that’s for just one vehicle!).
Order the wrong parts because you had the vehicle details incorrect?
Not only does it cost you time and money in your workshop, it is unprofessional for your customer.
Imagine never having to enter the details of a vehicle again?
Now you can. Simply enter the registration number, press a button and you’ll instantly be presented with the correct details for the vehicle. This ties in with Workshop Software’s in-built Business Intelligence. Your beautiful vehicle data will then provide you with valuable insights into what’s going on in your business through the information provided in Business Intelligence. For only a few cents a lookup, this will save you a lot of time and money and deliver a more streamlined, professional and insightful workshop.
Invest 3 minutes watching this video, it’s sure to be worth it:
This registration lookup feature is for clients in Australia. There is existing support for license plate/ registration lookup in New Zealand, United States and United Kingdom.
This is another feature that Workshop Software has enabled for our clients from the valuable feedback that we receive. We have been asked for this addition and have again delivered for our clients.
We purchase these lookups from a third party and therefore there is a small investment per lookup from you upon use of this feature. You simply pre-purchase a certain number of lookups and as you use them the outstanding number of lookups available is reduced.
As always, we encourage and welcome your feedback. Be sure to follow our social channels including subscribing to the Workshop Software YouTube channel, liking our FaceBook Page and follow us on LinkedIn.
“I needed workshop specific invoicing software, I chose this software as it was the best one I found that could do what I needed. I’m better at organising my work and it looks very professional, I do recommend this software as it’s easy to use.”
Zane Kieser
Byron Shire Auto Repairs
“We really like the facebook tips and find the software impacting our business in a positive way
Deanna Hardy
NQ Diesel
“Really liking Workshop Software and how professional the invoices look. Support has been great the whole time. They are always consistent in calling us and making sure our questions are answered.”
Alan Richardson
AJ’s Mobile Automotive
“After using the software for a month with the Quickbooks integration, we can see that keeping up with parts and records is much easier. The integration helps up with knowing what is going on in the Workshop. Workshop Software is good.”
Cave City Truck & Trailer Repair
“I love Workshop Software, it is absolutely brilliant and the best software I have ever used. No dramas at all.”
Danny Toma
Miramar Auto Centre Limited
“The Web class was really great. It helped as a trialing client, to understand the system.”