“We really like the facebook tips and find the software impacting our business in a positive way

NQ Diesel
You want to know what’s going on at Workshop Software, and you’d love to suggest a new feature, right?
Well now you can, with our new “Change Log” and “Feature Request” enhancement.
When we do updates to Workshop Software, sometimes you might not even realise some of the changes and improvements that we’ve delivered. You want transparency and clear communication, and this improvement delivers just that.
Anytime you want to know what’s going on, simply click this link https://updates.workshopsoftware.com/updates and you’ll be able to see all the updates to Workshop Software.
Workshop Software is working hard to deliver even more value from the application and our services. This Change Log makes it simple for you to see exactly what’s going on, plus you’ll notice the amount of improvements and enhancements that actually get delivered. This new method helps us to be much clearer in our communications with you.
Be sure to keep an eye out on the dashboard where you’ll see notices about updates like the one below:
A very exciting new enhancement is the “Feature Request” section.
In the Feature Request, you can see what other users of Workshop Software have suggested, and you can vote on those features. Plus you can add your own feature request.
We highly recommend that you vote on your favourite feature as this will help us determine priority of features when we do our development roadmap.
Workshop Software receives lots of feature requests from clients, and we have an internal mechanism to keep track of them. That system, however, did not give you any visibility over what has been suggested and what might be in the pipeline to develop.
Of course, we need to make intelligent decisions about the things that we need to add to or update in the software. This new feature request will help us to understand how popular a particular request might be. It will also help the requester to understand how popular a request is too.
You can access this from the Changelog by clicking the menu in the header, or go directly to this link: https://updates.workshopsoftware.com/boards/feature-suggestions